Friday, April 25, 2008

BBQ in SUr...

Im now in Sur. Went for a holiday over the weekend ,since my second brother is going back to Malaysia next week. That’s why we came here and visit some of our Malaysian friends. Well, as in my previous blog about Sur I’ve mentioned about Sur located on the coast of Oman i.e Arabian sea. From Nizwa, we had a long journey that took us about four hours to get here. Along the journey we were so excited to see camels and sand dunes and my dad was also so excited explaining to us about things that wee see along the journey, but half way, my dad was talking alone, everyone were asleep. Then, about 7.30 p.m we arrived in Sur and went straight to a friend’s house who is also a Malaysian, of course. I called him uncle Razak, he’s satying alone in Oman while his family is in Malaysia. He is in Sur as a lecturer just like my mom. Uncle Razak really reminds me of my deceased uncle who died a few years back. Well, he’s a very kind person who always welcome his guests to come to Sur and spent a night in his apartment. He’s very kind, generous, and a very neat person (don’t dare to mess up his apartment). Later then, my dad, my two brothers, and uncle Razak went to the town nearby to get some fresh fish, tonight we're going to have a BBQ. Yeay! About half an hour later they arrived back home and started to clean the fish. At first, I really thought that those fish must be small in size as we have in Malaysia because my dad bought it very cheap. But then I was so surprise that the fish were as big as my thigh.
I asked my dad why didn't he buy the smaller ones. He said, well, that’s the smallest.
We then went to the beach that night and started the BBQ fire. My mom, she had a good laugh looking at my brothers trying to start up the fire. She said “how come my boys couldn’t even start up a fire…hahahaha”. Then, hours later, no laaa, just minutes later the coal was ready to grill the fish(or to burn it)...hahaha. That night, we had only seafood for our dinner, while before this back in Nizwa every each day we will not miss chicken and lamb until I myself look like a "sheep", i think. We had crabs and few kinds of fish and we had this fish which they called it Coral fish because it is colourful. At first, it was kindda sad to eat it, but what can we do it’s already been cooked. Makan punya makan,oooops…..hehehe…well without realizing it was already almost 12 midnight. Then, it’s time to go back to the apartment and get some rest. Once we reached the aparment,booom, no one realized what happened and only realized that azan was calling for subuh prayer. This morning we woke up early, not that early, to go for fishing. But before that my mom told my second brother to go up to the rooftop and watch the sunrise. Minutes later my brother came down and told my mom, “the sun it’s already high up in the sky”.hehehehe….
Then we went fishing at the bay near by which my brother was really looking forward to. While walking along the bay we could see fishes of all kinds of shapes, sizes and colours. And you know what, I was so lucky that for the second time I did see a turtle(penyu) swimming on the sea surface. And this time, I managed to capture a picture of it.
This time, we managed to catch a fish, yup just only a fish, one fish only. Well, it’s enough for a souvenir to bring back home to Nizwa. The day was getting hotter, then it was time for us to go back home or all of us will be burnt. Afterwards, it’s time for us to get back home to Nizwa. But on the way home, were going to stop at the light house of Sur and some other places, InsyaAllah. So that’s all for now and for the next journey I will update it later.

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